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Mettler Electronics Sonicator 706 Manual Arts

Item MetadataTitleThe identification and natural clonal variation of important wood extractives in populus tremuloidesCreatorDate Issued1999DescriptionA rapid method for the detailed compositional analysis (70 compounds) of quaking aspen(Populus tremuloides Michx.) wood extractives was developed to monitor the differences inthese extractives between natural aspen clones. The method involves the removal of incrementcores from standing trees, soxhlet extraction of the sampled wood with acetone, and gaschromatography / mass spectrometry (GC-MS) of the resultant extractives. Additionally,preparative chromatographic techniques were developed and employed in order to elucidate theidentity of various steryl esters that co-eluted with other components and did not providecharacteristic mass spectra by GC-MS. Furthermore, comparisons between high-performanceliquid chromatography (HPLC) and GC-MS were made on the basis of suitability for the analysisof high molecular weight and industrially problematic steryl esters.Genetic variation in aspen wood extractives that potentially impact on the utilization ofthis species for pulp and paper was sought using natural clone tests. Significant (95%confidence) interclonal variation in several wood extractives was found by analysis of variancein the extractives data from nine natural clones.

  1. Mettler Sonicator 716

Mettler Sonicator 716

The interclonal variation of biosyntheticallyrelated groups was similar, and thus, the total amounts of these groups showed more significantinterclonal variation than the individual components. Significant clonal differences were foundin the sterols / triterpenes, steryl esters / waxes and triglycerides which are all known pitchculprits in pulp and paper making.


Also, extractive compounds known to exhibit toxic effects inaquatic organisms, showed significant differences between natural aspen clones. However, insome cases (ie flavonoids) these compounds formed a part of the defense system in the livingtree and thus, were affected by the presence of wood decay measured in the 10mm cores.

Thisdecay affected the levels of various phenolic extractives in this study and thus, increased theintraclonal variance such that interclonal differences in these phenolics were not significant. Theassessment of bound (glycoside) salicylic acid and its precursors, benzoic acid and o-coumaricacid, as a measure of decay resistance, was found to be affected by the presence of decay andthus, was not possible in mature aspen stands where decay is prevalent.Extent7143850 bytesGenreTypeFileFormatapplication/pdfLanguageengDate Available2009-07-06ProviderVancouver: University of British Columbia LibraryRightsFor non-commercial purposes only, such as research, private study and education.

Mettler Electronics Sonicator 706 Manual Arts

Additional conditions apply, see Terms of Use.DOI10.14288/1.0089333URIDegreeProgramAffiliationDegree GrantorUniversity of British ColumbiaGraduationDate2000-05CampusScholarly LevelGraduateAggregatedSourceRepositoryDSpaceDownloadMedia 6.81MB MetadataJSON:JSON-LD:RDF/XML (Pretty):RDF/JSON:Turtle:N-Triples:Original Record:Full Text CitationFull Text.